An ADHD diet is one of the major
considerations of the HET Holistic
Educational Therapy Programme. I am
constantly asked by parents, carers, and
families of those who have ADHD symptoms,
whether changing their diet can improve
their condition.
can only tell you that time and time again,
we have had successes through making changes
to diets but before we talk about what those
changes are
– let’s first understand what we
mean, by ADHD . ADHD or attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder can be a diagnosis
which is made when young people, children or
adults show certain types of behaviour that
meet the criteria on a scale called the
‘Connors rating scale’. After diagnosis,
then medication may be prescribed which can
have very unpleasant side effects and which
can actually make behaviours worse.
there is no medical diagnosis and you may
feel that certain behaviours
mean that someone MUST have ADHD and
everyone involved just has to cope with the
situations which can create great stress in
everyone’s life and certainly stop the
sufferer from achieving their potential and
may prevent them from making positive
friendships and relationships.
what are the symptoms associated with this?
Generally it can be impulsivity –
people doing irrational things on the spur
off the moment without thinking through the
consequences, or it may mean they lose
control in certain situations again taking
nor responsibility for the consequences of
behaviour or they can be very fidgety and
find it almost possible to complete tasks
due in part to the constant stream of
thoughts and distractions happening to them.
Holistic educational Therapy programme is a
step-by-step approach to unlocking the
holistic causes why someone might be
behaving in this way. As I mentioned diet is
a major consideration in this respect. So
where do we start?
of our bench marking techniques show the
health improvements over a 6 month
period for a child attending a special
school for mild learning difficulties.
first thing to consider s that most of our
food today is coated in many, many toxins,
insecticides, pesticides, preservatives,
colourings, artificial sweeteners and
flavourings and so on. Many people have
developed, sensitivity, intolerance or even
outright allergy to many of these damaging
By keeping dietary diaries and seeing behaviour patterns like
how uncontrollable behaviour affect us in
frequency and severity after we have eaten
them can be a very good indication of what
can change the problem. By eliminating the
suspects form the diet for a month and then
reintroducing them one at a time – we can
have a good idea of what the culprit
excellent work which I always recommend has
been carried out into the FEINGOLD diet.
This is recommended by the hyperactive
children’s support group. Very
often this can show big improvements in a
very short space of time as extreme
behaviours start to calm down.
we introduce really good supplements
alongside this approach we can really start
to see dramatic changes and to be
honest have a very rigorous method in place
with HET to prove how effective our
approaches are and within three months we
have consistently shown improvements just by
introducing a very good quality supplement
programme. This is necessary, as sadly our
foods are very deficient in certain
nutrients today owing to extensive farming
and production methods.
basic programme known to have results in a
three month period includes a good quality
food ( not chemical ) based vitamin and
mineral supplement that hasn’t been heated
beyond 60 degrees centigrade, in it’s
production process. Excellent studies have
been carried out to show just how effective
taking zinc and magnesium, is for example.
Alongside this we recommend a very pure soy
based protein drink first thing in the day
to improve concentration and attention
a copy of our nutritional programme that is
used in schools with our HET therapists and
the dietary diaries and research pack
email me info@holisticeducationaltherapy.co.uk
we introduce flax seed oil which is very
important in the calming of brain processes,
the nervous system and the way the body’s
cells function. This is a much better and
purer source than fish oils, of what is
referred to as essential fatty acids. A
deficiency of which can make these kind of
ADHD behaviours worse.
also recommend a programme of anti-oxidants,
which mop the toxins discussed earlier.
These toxins are referred to as free
radicals. They might be perceived as
hooligans roaming around the body looking
for damage to do in the environment. The
anti-oxidants are like a police force that
goes and rounds them up and cleans up the
environment after them as it were.
Porter, Linda Porter ( BA., Cert.Ed.,MIPTI,
is the founder of the Holistic educational
therapy Programme and an established
specialist in behaviours / psychology /
Education and
natural and safe approaches to
working with ADHD
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