In HET we use
only specific oils in specific ways. To calm the nervous
system and stress through using very high quality
Lavender and / or Chamomile oils. These rebalance the
senses of touch and smell. The senses that hold some of
our earliest experiences and work with our instinctive
responses and reactions to the sensory data we receive
from the world around us on a daily basis.
This gentle yet
relaxing approach assists in relaxation and so the
incoming data received from the world around is not so
harsh and doesn't trigger adverse reactions from old
patterns and experiences that we have held onto in the
very core of our being.
Where this
approach has been researched in situations where
children or adults can be aggressive , uncooperative or
even have violent reactions, the results have
consistently shown a reduction in the type of incidents
and the number of incidents of unacceptable behviours.

and massage is a very complicated and involved area to
apply to children and shouldn't be approached unless
under the direct supervision of a qualified
Aromatherapist. The whole area of massage is also
fraught with ethical considerations, when working with
young people.
For this reason the HET experience
is aimed at only using high quality essential oils of
Lavender oil and Camomile oil, in very small doses,
mixed in a base oil of sweet almond, providing there are
no allergic reactions in the child's history.
technique of back massage is demonstrated to the parent
in order to support them in helping the child to relax
in the evening, for example if the child is on
medication which may interfere with with sleep patterns
or if that child finds it difficult to relax prior to
simple hand massage is an effective self help and
calming technique which can be deployed in the
school environment and taught to children to
practice at home with parents / carers / siblings,
under supervision.
have also benefited from giving each other a
lavender hand massage at school ( incorporated alongside
the peer massage programme) and learning how to
use a lavender blend in the bath at home, as a self help
relaxation technique.